Distance learning for schools in UAE

Remote learning will be implemented for two weeks, starting January 3, 2022, while Dubai schools will resume in-person classes as per plan

Dubai, Dec 28, 2022: The Ministry of Education (MoE) has announced that all schools, universities and training centres in the UAE will implement distance learning in the first two weeks of the second semester of the academic year starting January 3, 2022. 

The announcement was made at the National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management (NCEMA) weekly media briefing. The decision to temporarily shift to distance learning has been made due to the rise of COVID-19 cases in the UAE.

With regards to schools, universities and training centres that require practical activities, laboratories and  clinical exercises, it was decided to implement hybrid learning. 

A set of safety protocols for students has been announced by the ministry to return to in-person classes as and when they resume while students get a negative PCR test result before going back to school. 

The Ministry of Education has also approved a set of safety protocols for students to return to in-person classes when they resume.

Students are required to get a negative PCR test result (of not more than 96 hours) before going back to physical learning. Parents would be required to get a ‘Green Pass System’ to enter educational facilities. 

The Abu Dhabi Emergency, Crisis and Disasters Committee announced that all private and public schools will temporarily switch to remote learning for the first two weeks. 

However, Dubai schools will continue with face-to-face classes as per plan starting January 3, 2022. The Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) said in an announcement that collective classroom and extracurricular activities will be discontinued. Canteens will close for the first 2 weeks of the semester and gatherings and school trips will be suspended.

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