Are GCC school students burned out?

Education Middle East speaks to schools and experts across the region to find out if the problem is real and how they are combatting it 

Efforts are underway among GCC schools to reduce student stress levels resulting from high academic expectations, an archaic test-driven approach, rise in internet usage time, increased workload for specific subjects and lack of time for relaxation.   The schools are using a combination of proactive strategies, tech integration and mental health support to create supportive learning environments. 

The increasing phenomenon of student burnout is a significant concern globally. According to data from, the problem is widespread. About 75% of high school students in US have expressed boredom, anger, sadness, fear, or stress in school while three-quarters (75%) of American high schoolers and half of the middle schoolers describe themselves as “often or always feeling stressed” by schoolwork. Similarly, almost two-thirds (65%) of UK children say they have felt anxious, nervous or stressed because of school, according to a recent study by Oxford Home Schooling.  

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