Sharjah schools to temporarily switch to distance learning for two days

Picture: Thomas Park
Private schools are required to submit a report to the COVID-19 committee affiliating with SPEA informing that the procedures in force in all private schools will be followed

Sharjah, Jan 02, 2022: The Sharjah Private Education Authority (SPEA) has given the power to private school authorities to make a suitable decision to switch to distance learning for two school days, starting January 03, 2022. The distance learning option is available to parents of students who are learning in private schools, until further notice.  

The decision to temporarily shift to distance learning for 48 hours has been made due to the rise of COVID-19 cases in the UAE.

Private schools are required to submit a report to the COVID-19 committee affiliating with SPEA informing that the procedures in force in all private schools will be followed. 

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