Ban Ki-moon opens GEMS World Academy Model United Nations conference

Ban Ki-moon with GWA students
Former UN Secretary General challenges students to embrace global citizenship 

Dubai, March 10, 2022: Ban Ki-moon, the eighth Secretary-General of the United Nations, inaugurated GEMS World Academy – Dubai’s Model United Nations (MUN) conference. 

The conference involving students from across Dubai will run for three days with wide-ranging debates.

Ki-moon addressed the theme of this year’s conference – ‘Escaping the Shackles of a Post-Crisis World’ – in his opening address to students, in which he talked about the need for global cooperation in order to combat the ongoing pandemic.

Ban Ki-moon says, “I hope that the biggest takeaway for you will be ownership: ownership of the world we live in, ownership of the sustainable development goals, ownership of the Agenda 2030, ownership of the principle of leaving no one behind, and ownership of your contribution to the world, which might start small but can grow throughout your lifetime.”

Participating MUN delegates were engaged in discussions on the measures nations must take in order to mitigate the impacts of dire crises, as well as ways to create a more prosperous future for all segments of the global community.