Education Experts to be hosted in Egypt

The event will be held on May 9 & 10, 2023 

Cairo, March 21, 2023: Egypt will host Education Experts, an event that brings together leading educators, solution providers and industry experts for two days of presentations, roundtable discussions and panel debates on the key challenges facing education today, in May. 

The upcoming event will be held from May 9-10, 2023, in Cairo, and focuses on sharing knowledge and tips for educators on preparing students for the future. 

Egypt is seeing a lot of reforms in education including a new multidisciplinary curriculum and technology integration among others. Effective school management, Continuous Professional Development (CPD), improved access and infrastructure and reformed assessment are imperative to sustainable reforms. Education Experts offers the perfect platform to discuss the ongoing changes and solutions educators need to equip themselves to these changes. 

The event provides a unique opportunity for brands to showcase their solutions to education leaders, gain insights on the latest trends facing the industry, receive direct feedback from end users and build and expand their network. 

From brand awareness to thought leadership and networking events, Education Experts offers a wide range of sponsorship opportunities to reach your target audience and make your investment go further. 

To be a part of the education industry’s transformation in Egypt, register for Education Experts Egypt at 

See also  Leading educators to gather at Education Experts Conference