Conference of Arab Ministers of Higher Education adopts Abu Dhabi Declaration

The 19th Conference of Arab Ministers of Higher Education and Scientific Research adopts Abu Dhabi Declaration. Picture Courtesy: WAM

The Declaration called for developing sustainability-focused academic programmes, promoting innovative research, establishing academic incubator and preparing graduates with skills to meet the evolving demands of the labour market 

Dubai, Nov 29, 2024: The 19th Conference of Arab Ministers of Higher Education and Scientific Research has concluded in Abu Dhabi. A key milestone of the conference was the adoption of the Abu Dhabi Declaration, which outlined a strategic framework for advancing higher education and scientific research in Arab countries.  

The Abu Dhabi Declaration emphasised joint Arab cooperation through initiatives aligned with sustainable development priorities. It called for developing sustainability-focused academic programmes, promoting innovative research, establishing academic incubator and preparing graduates with skills to meet the evolving demands of the labour market. In this context, Dr Abdulrahman Al Awar, UAE Minister of Human Resources and Emiratisation and Acting Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research noted that the Abu Dhabi Declaration is “a pivotal milestone in advancing Arab integration in higher education and scientific research.”  

“The conference discussions and recommendations underscored higher education as a cornerstone of sustainable development. The Abu Dhabi Declaration reflects a unified Arab commitment to leveraging technology, ensuring academic quality, and fostering partnerships to advance higher education in the region,” he added. 

Over two days, experts explored strategies for developing flexible higher education policies to address future challenges, including global technological and economic shifts. The sessions reviewed key reference documents and regional projects leveraging advanced technologies, such as using blockchain technology to streamline qualifications recognition. 

Discussions also highlighted the activation of the ALECSO Fund for Scientific Research, Leadership and Innovation and the Common Arab Qualifications Framework, aimed at standardising academic recognition across Arab countries. 

Participating countries shared pioneering experiences in higher education, focusing on curriculum development to meet labour market requirements, fostering innovation, and achieving excellence in scientific research in line with global standards. These presentations facilitated the exchange of expertise and best practices, bolstering joint efforts to advance higher education across the Arab world. 

The ministers adopted key recommendations, including the launch of regional projects to improve scientific research infrastructure and the development of educational policies to position higher education as a driver for sustainable development. It was also announced that the 20th session would be hosted by Iraq, highlighting the collective commitment to expanding Arab cooperation in this vital sector. 

Organised by the UAE Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in collaboration with the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organisation (ALECSO), the conference was attended by Arab ministers and experts from regional and global academic institutions. 

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