ADEK opens registration for Al Ghad Nurseries

The new public nurseries will offer more than 2,300 seats across Abu Dhabi and Al Ain

The eight new public nurseries will cater to children aged three months to four years 

Dubai, Nov 18, 2024: Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge (ADEK) will be opening eight new public nurseries, bringing the total of Al Ghad Nurseries to ten, which will be fully operational by December 2024. 

The new public nurseries will offer more than 2,300 seats across Abu Dhabi and Al Ain, aiming to boost Emirati students’ access to quality early education. 

Striving to meet the increasing demand for public early education, Al Ghad Nurseries will cater to children aged three months to four years. With registration now open for UAE Nationals within the catchment area, priority will be given to children of Emirati working mothers, supporting their career advancement and ensuring family stability through quality childcare. 

Al Ghad Nurseries will stimulate job creation with the recruitment of approximately 200 skilled Emirati early educators, caregivers and support staff. 

The nurseries will drive the professional development of Emirati educators through collaboration with the Early Childhood Authority (ECA) and the National Academy for Childhood Development (NACD), laying the foundation for expertise in early childhood education across the emirate. Accordingly, 70 Emirati teachers have already received specialised training, with more scheduled for training by December 2024.

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